World around is running on internet for whatever is the purpose, either for transferring information or connecting people across different ends or for any other purpose. Everyone from young to old, poor to rich might have heard the word INTERNET.
So, with internet being so important, have you ever wondered, How this INTERNET WORK? How is information transferred on computers whether they are connected via cables or wireless network? Ok, let me take you on a tour about what is internet and how internet works along with briefing about the key terminology.
How does Internet Work?
The Internet or the world of computers network being a part of everybody life connecting millions and trillions of computers digitally by one means or the other as either cables, fibres or wireless links. Internet is being used by everyone but the purpose might be different like to browse websites, communicate with people wherever they are and at whatever time, download pictures and videos, listen to music or for any other amazing purpose.
So, How does all this information(either textual or pictorial or video or any other format) move in this digital world, internet?
Making a request
So, consider that you opened a website with an image. For the image to load a request will be sent to the respective web server where the image is stored in the form of a
Packet. The packet is directed by special computers named
routers and devices called
switches from your computer to the web server containing the image you are asking for, wherever the web server might be located either near or in the other world.
The packet moves via the fiber optic cables set under the sea or via satellites.
Receiving Information
Now the packets are opened in the web server and the request raised is understood(like in this case, 'please send the image'), fetched in the web server and the corresponding image is again sent back in the form of packets. As the images are huge they are split into hundreds and thousands of packets to send to the request raiser. These packets not only carry the pieces of the image but also has the information regarding how these images can be reformed to their original shape, where they are going and from where they are coming from(web server details).
Different Routes
Directed by routers and switches, these images are sent to your computer by the web server. The packets may not take the same route, instead routers (as the name itself speaks) will direct the images in the fastest possible route. All the packets may not follow the same order in which they were sent.
Putting the packets back together
Now with all the packets reached your computer, your computer will follow the information sent by the web server, attached to the packets and puts the packets back in order and displays the image.
All this process of raising a request, sending information, receiving information and receiving the packets on your computer and displaying the image, all happens in just far less than a second.
Data Packets
Information sent or received is split into small bits of data which is known as packets. Packets carry information about where the data is being sent to, from where the information is being sent, how to reassemble the split data to get the actual information requested. In simple words, a Packet is a virtual parcel that holds all important information like IP address of the computer from where the request is received and the IP address of the web server where the image (in this case considered) is stored.
IP Adress:
IP Address the acronym of Internet Protocol Address, is the unique address of each computer connected to the internet. As houses has postal address, so do computers have this IP address. IP address is a combination of numbers like 198.543.25.11.
A smart device that connects different devices to form a network is called Switch. Hubs are other such devices that are simpler comparatively.
This is another such smart device that directs or routes information around the internet to reach the final destination in the fastest possible way. When packets arrive the router, the IP address is read and then are directed to the destination in the best possible route.
A Domain Name System or DNS is a set of computers standards on how the data is exchanged over the internet. DNS turns user friendly domain names like into machine understandable IP address.